Floor Plans of Russellville Elementary School, 1945 - 1952
From available photos and our collective memories, we have been able to reconstruct the layout of both the first and second floors of our Grade School. These drawings (Plates 16 and 17) show the classrooms and teachers for our Class of 1958. Some of the teachers will be different for other Classes, of course. Ours was the last class to complete sixth grade in the old building, in 1952. By September 1953, the elementary school was moved to the new building, on 7th Street to the west of the old facility. At the same time, our class moved "across the street" to begin 7th Grade in the Russellville High School classroom building.
There was a large playground area to the east of our Grade School building. It was where we went for "recess" periods, weather permitting. The playground had swings, metal slides, a small wooden "merry-go-round", and a surface of coal cinders. It was where we met, learned about each other and ourselves, and escaped from our classes. Playground and recess was fun, except for occasional scrapes and bumps.